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Franklin High will instill PRIDE in all students to succeed academically and socially in order to become productive citizens in society.  


The faculty of Franklin High School promise to strive to:

The students of Franklin High School promise to strive to:

* use the entire class period to present clearly defined lessons that meet the student needs

*willingly participate in class and school activities.

* use a variety of instructional strategies

*be on time daily to class and engaged in the lesson.

*perform ongoing “knowledge checks” so that student needs can be assessed and addressed

*be conscious of others and refrain from being a disruption to the class.

*challenge students’ abilities by asking higher order thinking questions

*put forth their best efforts inside and outside of the classroom every day.

*encourage students to give their all every time and all the time

*remain on task during class time and complete all assignments in a timely fashion.

*teach accountability and responsibility by making and holding students accountable and responsible for their actions.

*help make the classroom a more positive environment by encouraging other students rather than putting them down.

*provide resources and instruction to assist students in becoming effective seekers and users of information

*maintain a level of maturity during school time and school related activities.

*provide a variety of athletic, career, and academic options so that students can make informed decisions for their future goals.

*set personal academic goals to appropriately prepare themselves for life after high school.

*actively stop negative comments towards others

*not subject themselves or others to harm, whether it be emotional or physical.

*be available to all students to help them meet their needs – academically, physically, and emotionally.

*prepare themselves for class by bringing all of their necessary materials.

*display through modeling & demonstration the attributes of good character to instill such character in our students.

*hold faculty accountable for classroom instruction and timely grade reporting