Disciplinary actions appropriate for Class I violations shall include but are not limited to: warnings; written and/or oral reprimands; student-teacher conference; parent-teacher conferences; referral to school guidance counselors; assignment to Student adjustment center (SAC) and any reasonable action that has been approved by the principal.
Class I Violations (Minor)
- Any conduct and/or behavior that is disruptive to the orderly educational process in the classroom or any similar grouping for instruction.
- Harassment or intimidation of other students -- the continued annoyance, teasing, or tormenting of another student.
- Gambling -- any participation in games of chance for money and/or other things of value.
- Unexcused absences and unexcused tardiness
- Non-conformity to dress code.
- Minor disruption on a school bus.
- Inappropriate public displays of affection.
- Intentionally providing false information to School Board employee including, but not limited to, giving false student information, forgery of school notes (including report cards), and concealment of information directly relating to school business.
- Any other violation that the principal (or designee)/ teacher may reasonably deem to fall within this category.
The teacher shall notify the parent(s) or guardian(s) of a student who consistently violates Class I behaviors or work habits. If teacher interventions fail to result in improvement of student behavior or work habits, the student may be referred to the principal/designee. Upon such referral the behavior will be considered a Class II offense.
Appropriate disciplinary actions for a Class II include but are not limited to: In addition to Class I disciplinary actions, the principal may choose to assign suspension from school for one to three days; filing of charges with an appropriate law enforcement agency; requesting further action from the Child Welfare and Attendance Department with suspension pending action; and any other action the principal and the school discipline committee deem appropriate.
Class II Violations (Intermediate)
- Defiance of School Board employee's authority -- any verbal or non-verbal refusal to comply with a lawful and reasonable direction or order of a Board employee.
- Possession and/or use of tobacco products
- Battery upon a student(s)
- Simple assault on School Board employee -formed fear in the other person that violence is imminent.
- Fighting
- Stealing/larceny/petty theft
- Possession of stolen property with knowledge that it is stolen.
- Threats, intimidation, and/or extortion
- Trespassing
- Offensive touching of another person.
- Written or verbal propositions to engage in sexual acts.
- Use of obscene manifestations (verbal, written, gestured) toward another person.
- Directing obscene or profane language to a School Board employee.
- Leaving the school grounds without permission.
- Disruption of the educational process caused by the wearing of secret society apparel.
- Repeated Class I violations.
- Any other violation that the principal (or designee) may reasonably deem to fall within this category (leaving a class without permission; behaving inappropriately at any school related function; habitually tardy or absent; setting off a false fire alarm; forging a parent/guardian or teacher signature; violating traffic or safety regulations; violating transportation or school crossing rules; cheating; going through a teacher's desk, cabinet or personal belongings without permission; habitually violating the dress code; failure to carry out any disciplinary assignment given by the principal/designee; intentional damage to school property; possession of pornographic literature or paraphernalia; writing or drawing on school property, or on property to and from school; vandalizing or attempting to vandalize school property or property on the school grounds or on the way to or from school; truancy; possession of a pocket pager or electrical device; bringing medication, prescription or non-prescription, oral or topical, to school without proper documentation, etc.)
The commission of the following offenses may constitute violation of criminal laws established by the State of Louisiana. |
All Class III violations will result in mandatory suspension with or without a recommendation for expulsion. |
Class III Violations
- Drugs -- unauthorized possession, transfer, use, or sale of drugs. (Notify law enforcement agency and recommend expulsion.)
- Drug paraphernalia -- unauthorized possession, transfer, or sale of paraphernalia used in drug use. (Notify law enforcement agency and recommend expulsion.)
- Arson
- Battery upon School Board employee
- Stealing/Larceny/Grand Theft
- Burglary of school property
- Criminal mischief
- Possession of firearm(s)
- Possession of weapons
- Bomb threat
- Sexual acts
- Aggravated battery
- Inciting or participating in major student disorder
- Any Class I or Class II offense that has been continued.
Any other offense that the principal/designee may reasonably deem to fall within this category or that state law or parish policy places within this violation category